Artificial Neural Network and HCC features

What is an Artificial Neural Network?


Data necessary to ANN:


1) absence of clinical, radiographic or intraoperative evidence of extra-hepatic disease or involvement of a major branch of the portal veins and attempt of curative surgery; 
2) absence of preoperative treatment such as transarterial-chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation or percutaneous ethanol injection and absence of previous systemic chemotherapy; 
3) availability of computed tomography scan (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) not earlier than 3 months before surgery.

For further informations please visit; the ANN requires Microsoft Excel 2000 (or later); macro option must be activated.The software is self-installing:

DOWNLOAD: Setuphccann1.1.exe (472 Kb)


Logistic regression Model



Proposal for a multicentric study